FAQ About Me

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

FAQ About Me

Questions that are asked quite regular are answered down below, enjoy.

What are your hobbies and interests?

I love my hobbies. All of them have their own place and give me ideas. Making music gives me energy; art painting really pushes me to let all my emotions out; investing makes me dedicated to a target and stress resistant; fashion design pushes me to think like a customer; programming pushes me to concentrate. I have a lot of hobbies and some of them I do a lot more than other, but all my hobbies have a place to make me a better person.

  • Making Music

  • Investing

  • Art painting

  • Fashion design

  • Gaming

  • Programming

  • Baking bread and cooking

What are your qualities?

I love to be creative, for example, with music but also this portfolio. I made special edits of photos for this portfolio, the 3D models of the pokerchips are all selfmade and I did my best to be original in the design. The portfolio is also a big example of the other qualities. There is probably at the time of writing 50+ hours in this portfolio, while I already had a portfolio. I wasn't happy with the previous portfolio so I changed and made a new one. What took so long was to re-learn HTML/CSS and learn basic 3D modeling. My mission was to make this portfolio as professional it can be. I could give other examples for my qualities but the portfolio is the most visible one.

  • Creative

  • Perseverance

  • Eager to learn

  • Self learning

  • Perfectionist

What is your vision for the future?

I want to become better and more experienced in marketing. Not only to better market myself, for my projects but also be better at marketing for a job. I want to get more experienced at marketing by working for companies to develop myself. While working alone there is a barrier of knowledge. Dit stuk snap ik niet, moet je nog even goed naar kijken: For example with Facebook Ads. At a company A/B testing is normal while working on such a small scale like I do that isn't really an option if you want to keep the costs as low as possible. Experience is probably the one of the most important things in the marketing industry. That's why I want to gain more of it.

  • More experienced at marketing

  • Work for a company

  • Become better at marketing